Is it possible to POST a package of json objects?

Tomaz Mazej

so I am building an applications that has to POST a json array with some information and also json object with user credentials which are going to be used for identification. Is is possible to POST some kind of package that contains json object array + object with user credentials? I am using Retrofit2.

So beside this Array list I would like to send Credentials with one POST request.

public interface JsonPlaceHolderApi {

    Call<Post> createPost(@Body ArrayList<Post> post);

You have to create a class for credentials just like you made a class for your array. Then you create another class named lets say "Request" and put credentials and your array in it like so:

public class Request {
    final ArrayList<Post> posts;
    final Credentials credentials;

    //constructor, getters/setters

and then in your api do this:

public interface JsonPlaceHolderApi {

   Call<Post> createPost(@Body Request post);

Collected from the Internet

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