How can I define a class in Python?

OscarRyz :

Quite simple, I'm learning Python, and I can't find a reference that tells me how to write the following:

public class Team {
     private String name;
     private String logo;
     private int members;

     public Team(){}

     // Getters/setters


Team team = new Team();

That is a class Team with the properties: name/logo/members


After a few attempts I got this:

class Team:


team = Team() = "Oscar"
team.logo = "http://..."
team.members = 10

Is this the Python way? It feels odd (coming from a strongly typed language of course).

Martin v. Löwis :
class Team:
  def __init__(self): = None
    self.logo = None
    self.members = 0

In Python, you typically don't write getters and setters, unless you really have a non-trivial implementation for them (at which point you use property descriptors).

Collected from the Internet

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