Windows Service not stopping, stuck at unsubscribing ews subscription


The service acts like a mail watcher on a mail box and is working fine after installing on a new server. But, while stopping it, i get this error message that the

the service cannot accept control messages at this time

and all the ways to kill it didn't work. It gets stuck at removeSubscription() as per the logs.

public static void Unsubscribe ()
     if (_ss.Id.Length>0){
              Logger.log("Reached Here");

Here _ss is the streamingSubscription, _connection is streamingSubscriptionConnection references

Can you tell me how to fix it? P.S.: the same service works well on other server.


Well, actually this function used to work really well on the previous server so had not used a try catch block to handle exceptions.

When i logged the exception, it turned out that it threw an error that the connection needs to be closed first. So changed the code to


This solved the issue.

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

edited at


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