How I do Exclude Android Project Submodule's test from Gradle test

Ilanthirayan Paramanathan

I have one library(A) as a submodule in my android application.

   |    |
   |    |--main
   |    |--test

When I try to run gradlew test, it is executing libarary(A)'s test cases along with my app test cases.

How I can exclude my library project test cases from gradle execution.

Ilanthirayan Paramanathan
    buildTypes {
        debug {
            //disable crashlytics build id every time for development
            ext.alwaysUpdateBuildId = false

            // Run code coverage reports by default on debug builds.
            testCoverageEnabled = true

        release {
            minifyEnabled true
            shrinkResources true
            proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), ''
            signingConfig signingConfigs.release
    //publishNonDefault true
    productFlavors {
        beta {
            //applicationIdSuffix ".beta"
            versionNameSuffix "-beta"
            dimension "green"

        production {
            applicationId "com.example"
            dimension "green"

Let's assume that you have build type(debug & release) and flavours(beta & production).

./gradlew testProductionReleaseUnitTest --tests "com.example.*" OR

./gradlew test+{build_type}+{build_flavor}+UnitTest --tests "com.example.*"

This will only execute Production flavour Release build config unit test cases only in the com.example package directory.

Using the above Gradle script you can avoid running test cases in your library projects.

Collected from the Internet

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