Custom Elements are not getting marked when hovering over them with Chrome DevTools

J. Doe

I have a main html file where i embedd Web Components. When debugging I noticed, that my Custom Elements are not marked, when I hover over them. enter image description here

Im also not able to set the size of the custom html element from an outisde css.

Here is my code:


    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="utf-8"/>
    <link href="view.css" rel="stylesheet" />
    <script defer src="widget-uhr.js"></script>

    <button>View Button</button>


   <!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="utf-8"/>
    <link href="widget-uhr.css" rel="stylesheet" />

    <div id="time"></div>
    <button>Widget Button1</button>
    <button>Widget Button2</button>
    <button>Widget Button3</button>


    min-width: 250px;
    min-height: 100px;
    background-color: aqua;
    font-size: 32px;


background-color: gray;

    background-color: gray;

    background-color: red;


fetch( "widget-uhr.html" )
    .then( stream => stream.text() )
    .then( text => 
        customElements.define( "widget-uhr", class extends HTMLElement {
            constructor() {
                this.attachShadow( { mode: 'open'} )
                    .innerHTML = text

        } )

Is the reason maybe because I inject my html from the widget via fetch?


By default a Custom Element is inline, so it won't be marked in Dev Tools.

To get it marked, you should define its CSS display propery to block or inline-block.

From inside its Shadow DOM, use the :host CSS pseudo-class.

In widget-uhr.css:

:host { display: block }

Or, from the main document, use the custom element name.

In view.css:

widget-uhr { display: block }

Collected from the Internet

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