Angularfire2 Ionic3


I'm trying to use Angularfire2 on an Ionic3 app.

When installing it npm install angularfire2, I get a deprecation warning:

npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: AngularFire has moved, we're now @angular/fire.

But if trying to install the new @angular/fire npm install @angular/fire I see that every version requires an @angular/core >= 6.0.0 -which is greater than the Ionic3 supported on (i.e. "5.2.11").

So, my question is how can I make use of a non-deprecated angularfire2 lib on Ionic3?



A deprecation message doesn’t always mean the package or version is unusable; it may mean the package is unmaintained and will no longer be updated by the publisher.

This leaves a few options, either upgrade angular so that recommendations are met, downgrade angularfire to a version that did hold support for your version of angular, or try to use as is and hope for the best.

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