How to represent Objc-C NSUInteger[] = {0,1,2} in Swift as UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt>?


Objc-C header definition:

- (int)printPDFAtPath:(NSString *)pdfPath pages:(NSUInteger [])indexes length:(NSUInteger)length copy:(int)nCopy;

Sample objc-C code to use this function:

NSUInteger pageIndexes[] = {0}; printResult = [self.ptp printPDFAtPath:selectedPDFFilePath pages:pageIndexes length:length copy:self.numberOfPaper];

Swift expects:

func printPDF(atPath pdfPath: String!, pages indexes: UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt>!, length: UInt, copy nCopy: Int32) -> Int32

How do I represent NSUInteger pageIndexes[] = {0}; in Swift as a UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt>?

Martin R

You can simply pass a Swift [UInt] array as in-out argument with &, this passes the address of the array element storage to the (Objective-)C function:

var pageIndexes: [UInt] = [1, 2, 3]
ptp.printPDF(atPath: "path", pages: &pageIndexes, length: UInt(pageIndexes.count), copy: 1)

For more information, see

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