How can I check if the component is unmounted in a functional component?


A callback function sets the component state. But sometimes subscription which supplies the data need to end. Because callback is executed asynchronously, it's not aware if the subscription ends just after making the service call (which executes the callback function).

Then I see following error in the console:

Warning: Can't perform a React state update on an unmounted component. This is a no-op, but it indicates a memory leak in your application. To fix, cancel all subscriptions and asynchronous tasks in a useEffect cleanup function.

Is there a way to access the component state, even if I am in the callback function?

This would be the steps:

  • subscribe with parameters
  • unsubscribe
  • component is unmounted
  • subscribed service executes the callback function
  • callback functio sets state in an unmounted component and it gives error above

Here is some pseudo code how you can use useEffect to see if a component is mounted.

It uses useEffect to listen to someService when it receives a message it checks if the component is mounted (cleanup function is also called when component unmounts) and if it is it uses setServiceMessage that was created by useState to set messages received by the service:

import { useState, useEffect } from 'react';
import someService from 'some-service';

export default props => {
  const userId = props.userId;
  const [serviceMessage, setServiceMessage] = useState([]);
    () => {
      const mounted = { current: true };
        //listen to messages for this user
        //callback when message is received
        message => {
          //only set message when component is mounted
          if (mounted.current) {
      //returning cleanup function
      return () => {
        //do not listen to the service anymore
        //set mounted to false if userId changed then mounted
        //  will immediately be set to true again and someService
        //  will listen to another user's messages but if the 
        //  component is unmounted then mounted.current will 
        //  continue to be false
        mounted.current = false;
    },//<-- the function passed to useEffects
    //the function passed to useEffect will be called
    //every time props.userId changes, you can pass multiple
    //values here like [userId,otherValue] and then the function
    //will be called whenever one of the values changes
    //note that when this is an object then {hi:1} is not {hi:1}
    //referential equality is checked so create this with memoization
    //if this is an object created by mapStateToProps or a function

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

edited at


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