How to dynamically add static methods to a class using exec?


I am trying to dynamically create methods in a class but I'm running into TypeErrors. I suspect that the issue is that I have not bound the method to the class meaning I cannot call it. However, my efforts with types.MethodType have failed. Here's an abstract example:

class cls:

    def __init__(self):

    def method_adder(self):
        I want to add a method to this class from
        a string
        string_func = "@staticmethod\n"
        string_func += "def dynamic_method():"
        string_func += "    return 'I am a dynamically created string to be a new method'"

        exec(string_func, self.__dict__)

c = cls()


<__main__.cls object at 0x7fae0aa08e10>


meth = c.dynamic_method


<staticmethod object at 0x7f02375ce748>

but actually using the method:



TypeError: 'staticmethod' object is not callable


I've switched to a 3.7 env as suggested in the comments. I still get the same error but when I remove the @staticmethod decorator the code works as intended. I could probably work with this, but out of curiosity, any idea how to get the code working with a static method?


I was able to get the following to work -- by moving 'setattr' into the exec statement.

class mycls:

    def method_adder(self):
def f():
    print ('I am a dynamically created string to be a new method')
setattr(mycls, 'df', f)

c = mycls()

Collected from the Internet

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