Authorization in ASP .NET Core Razor pages


I am unable to implement policy-based authorization in ASP .NET Core for an action on a razor page.

I read through this comprehensive document on authorization and used its examples as guidence.

Razor page action code:

[Authorize(Policy = "test")]
public async Task<IActionResult> OnGetCreateAsync(string id)

Code in service configuration:

_ = services.AddAuthorization(options => {
    options.AddPolicy("test", policy =>
        policy.RequireAssertion(context =>

I expect that if I call the action or endpoint service, e.g.

GET /Account?handler=Create

then the request will be denied with a 403 status response because the "test" policy states that everyone is unauthorized. However, in actual practice, the action is successfully called.

Kirk Larkin

Razor Pages doesn't currently support [Authorize] at the handler level. i.e. You can only authorise a page as a whole, on the PageModel itself, as noted in the docs:

Policies can not be applied at the Razor Page handler level, they must be applied to the Page.

If authorising the page as a whole isn't a workable solution, you might need to move your OnGetCreateAsync handler into a controller/action pair, which can be attributed with [Authorize] accordingly.

There's also a related GitHub issue in the docs for this:

The [Authorize] filter attribute has been supported since 2.0 in Razor Pages, but note that it works at the page model class level

If you need a better workaround, see akbar's answer and Jim Yabro's answer.

Collected from the Internet

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