Fetch data from youtube video list

Dominik Weber

I want to display the latest 5 videos of a youtube channel including title, views, thumbnail, etc. for a analysis.

But how can i display the next video after i displayed the first. because there is no id=1 for latest e.g.

So i want to dipslay the first video with details and then the secound one,etc.

I use PHP and HTML

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    "publishedAt": "2018-08-28T16:30:11.000Z",
    "channelId": "UCzfu8Y5CsN7OCLJhZy_fH6w",
    "title": "RBX.Tools - Earn FREE Robux! (3,000 Giveaway)",
    "description": "Want to earn free robux? Our website allows you to do that easily without any limits! Check it out: https://rbx.tools Robux giveaway: ...",
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    "title": "How To: Setup/Use Discord Webhooks! (PHP)",
    "description": "In this video i show you how to use discord webhooks for any custom event you would like using a simple cURL request in PHP. Find this video helpful in any ...",
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YouTube Data API request returns the JSON data that includes the information of the video (title, description, thumbnails, publish date, etc.). You need to specify the API key ($API_key), YouTube Channel ID ($channelID).

//Get videos from channel by YouTube Data API
$API_key    = 'Insert_Your_API_Key';
$channelID  = 'Insert_Channel_ID';
$maxResults = 10;

$videoList = json_decode(file_get_contents('https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/search?order=date&part=snippet&channelId='.$channelID.'&maxResults='.$maxResults.'&key='.$API_key.''));

Youtube Video List using PHP Loop through the $videoList->items to list the videos from a YouTube channel.

foreach($videoList->items as $item){
    //Embed video
        echo '<div class="youtube-video">
                <iframe width="280" height="150" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/'.$item->id->videoId.'" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
                <h2>'. $item->snippet->title .'</h2>

In the YouTube video list, Video ID and Title are used, but you can show the other information as per your requirement. The following information is provided by the API.

  • YouTube Video ID – $item->id->videoId
  • YouTube Video Publish Date – $item->snippet->publishedAt
  • YouTube Channel ID – $item->snippet->channelId
  • YouTube Video Title – $item->snippet->title
  • YouTube Video Description – $item->snippet->description
  • YouTube Video Thumbnail URL (default size) – $item->snippet->thumbnails->default->url
  • YouTube Video Thumbnail URL (medium size) – $item->snippet->thumbnails->medium->url
  • YouTube Video Thumbnail URL (large size) – $item->snippet->thumbnails->high->url
  • YouTube Channel Title – $item->snippet->channelTitle

Collected from the Internet

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