how to parse some field of json spring boot


I have json with following fields:

            "id": "MSNVK13LWEWV91",
            "country": "india",
            "name": "cooktop test products",
            "id_brand": "7fbdea31-a2bf-437b-8697-72edfb7fe673",  
            "product_type": "visible"

But i want only country and id to deserialize in spring boot with fasterxml.jackson.


You can use @JsonIgnoreProperties( ignoreUnknown = true ) in you DTO:

@JsonInclude( JsonInclude.Include.NON_NULL )
@JsonIgnoreProperties( ignoreUnknown = true )
public class ProductVO
    private String id;
    @JsonProperty( "country" )
    private double country;

Hope this will help you in spring boot.

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

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