How to remove repeated string values from a list


This is a continuation of a previous question.

I have a fixed list in Lua which I am reassigning values for

local a = {"apple", "pear", "orange", "kiwi", "tomato"}
local map = {
  apple = "RD",
  pear = "GR",
  orange = "OG",
  kiwi = "GR",
  tomato = "RD",
  banana = "YL",
colours = {}
for index = 1, #a do
  table.insert(colours,map[a[index]or "OT")

Now I would either like to edit the existing script, or add some new script, to remove any repeated values.

My end result should be a table (colours) with no repeated values or empty strings, but I can't seem to think of a neat way to do this!

If it's not possible (or really messy) my second option would be to count the number unique values in the table.


If you don't want to run over the entire table every time you add an element you can simply create a second table where you remember which colours have been listed yet. Simply use the colour as key.

local a = {"apple", "pear", "orange", "kiwi", "tomato"}
local map = {
  apple = "RD",
  pear = "GR",
  orange = "OG",
  kiwi = "GR",
  tomato = "RD",
  banana = "YL",

local listedColours = {}
local colours = {}
for _,colour in pairs(a) do
  colour = map[colour] or "OT"
  if not listedColours[colour] then
    table.insert(colours, colour)
    listedColors[colour] = true

Collected from the Internet

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