Getting info out of nested json file


From the website metcheck I am able to get a json file of the weather forecast.

The file came back but I cannot read it to get out the info I need. I think I do not understand the relationship between metcheckData, forecastLocation and forecast:

               "iconName":"Partly Cloudy",
               "iconName":"Intermittent Rain",
      // Many other similar array entries omitted

Using using Newtonsoft.Json; using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;

I tried the following code to read out things like the temperature forecast for the specific hour.

 JObject jo = JObject.Parse(File.ReadAllText(@"C:\temp\Weather.json", Encoding.UTF8));
 Dictionary<string, List<string>> values =
            jo.SelectToken("forecast", true).ToObject<Dictionary<string, List<string>>>();

 foreach (var kv in values)
     rchtxtbx_output.AppendText(kv.Value[0] + "\r");

and so on thinking kv.Value[0] will be the temperature and I will go round and get the temperature for each hour. Unfortunately that is not the case and I get errors at

Dictionary<string, List<string>> values =
                jo.SelectToken("forecast", true).ToObject<Dictionary<string, List<string>>>();

So some how the "forecast" is not correct. I also tried metcheckData.forecastLocation.forecast and then forecastLocation.forecast but all had errors.

Any ideas how I get the data out of json file and write to richtext box for each hour of forecast please.


You want to navigate to the token you want via its parent tokens. Then grab the token's child list.

JObject jo = JObject.Parse(File.ReadAllText(@"C:\temp\Weather.json", Encoding.UTF8));

// navigate to the token via its parents
List<JToken> items = jo.SelectToken("metcheckData", true).SelectToken("forecastLocation", true).SelectToken("forecast", true).Children().ToList();

foreach (JToken token in items)    
    string temperature = token["temperature"].Value<string>();
    string dewpoint = token["dewpoint"].Value<string>();
    // etc...

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