How to split a string in javascript based on this specific scenario


I have simple concatenated string of Name, UserId & TaxId

"Tester-N-U Academic Development Center-[10703]-[27-2008258]"

How can ? break this into array of strings so that in array[0] is 'Tester-N-U Academic Development Center', in array[1] is 10703 and in array[2] is 27-2008258

Here's what I tried

const input = $scope.Name_UserId_TaxID;
const output = input.match(/[^[\]]+(?=\])/g);
const splitProviderName = $scope.selectedValue.Name_UserId_TaxID.split('-', 1);
$scope.selectedProviderName = splitProviderName[0];
$scope.selectedProviderID = output[0];
$scope.selectedTaxID = output[1];

But the problem here is I am only getting the word Tester I am expecting Tester-N-U Academic Development Center


You may use this match based on lookahead regex:

var str = 'Tester-N-U Academic Development Center-[10703]-[27-2008258]';

var arr = str.match(/(?<=\[)[\d-]+(?=\])|^.+?(?=-\[)/g);


RegEx Demo

RegEx Details:

  • (?<=\[): Assert that there is [ at previous position
  • [\d-]+: Match 1 or more of digit or hyphen characters
  • (?=\]): Assert that there is ] at next position
  • |: OR
  • ^.+?: Match 1 or of any characters (non-greedy)
  • (?=-\[): Assert that there is -[ at next position

Collected from the Internet

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