Moving folders with the files with exceptions

Павел Майоров

I'm trying to move data from the "file" folder and exclude the Users folder. but in the end, the exception does not work.

Move-Item -Path $env:SystemDrive\$env:computername\File\* -exclude $env:SystemDrive\$env:computername\File\Users\*  -Destination $env:SystemDrive\UserOld\

It is necessary to transfer the data and exclude the Users folder.


I tried using move-item in order to move folders while excluding a single folder and it doesnt seem like you need to include the entire path in the exclude. I tried this:

Move-Item -Path C:\Users\D.Baier\Desktop\testenvironment\Source -Exclude mit-1 -Destination C:\Users\D.Baier\Desktop\testenvironment\Target\

and it seemed to work perfectly, just threw an error which seems to be a known issue, at least as far as I understand it. The error was the following btw:

Move-Item : The Element cannot be moved, since the Element, located at "C:\Users\D.Baier\Desktop\testenvironment\Source\mit-1" does not exist.
In Line:1 Charakter:1
+ Move-Item -Path C:\Users\D.Baier\Desktop\testenvironment\Source \* -Exclu ...
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : InvalidOperation: (:) [Move-Item], PSInvalidOperationException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : InvalidOperation,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.MoveItemCommand

Hope that was helpful!

Edit: Sorry, my PC is set to German. I translated the error message as well as I can, however I doubt it is the exact same one one would get if you were to run this code on an English machine. I also apologize for any spelling mistakes I may have made.

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