Match everything after particular pattern except whitespace till next letter


I have a string like this:

'Medicine Treatment:     Not applicable'

Now, I want to match the according treatment but without the white spaces infront of the treatment. So I just want to match: "Not applicable" and not " Not applicable"

Im pretty sure it must be something like this:

(?<=Medicine Treatment:)[^\s].*

or (?<=Medicine Treatment:)\S.*

... (?<=Medicine Treatment:).* returns only what I do not want: " Not applicable"

Wiktor Stribiżew

Python re does not support patterns matching strings of unknown length (though it is possible with PyPi regex module). So, you can't use'(?<=Medicine Treatment:\s*).*', txt) (it would work with PyPi

You may use a capturing group instead of a lookbehind:

import re
s = 'Medicine Treatment:     Not applicable'
m ='Medicine Treatment:\s*(.*)', s)
if m:
    print( # => Not applicable

See the Python demo


  • Medicine Treatment: - a literal string (serves as left-hand context of the required match)
  • \s* - consumes zero or more whitespace chars
  • (.*) - captures into Group 1 any 0 or more chars other than line break chars as many as possble.

Collected from the Internet

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