Function which returns Sum of all arguments


I want bo create a function which returns sum of all passed arguments.

I found similar problem on forum, but It doesn't work with last case.

def sum_all(*args):
    sum = 0

    for num in args:
        if not str(num).isdigit():
            return False
            sum += int(num)
    return sum

This code work with first and second case, but return false on third case.

# -1
# 12
# false 

How can i make it work? To make it return 15 in last case? Thanks!

Simona Chovancová

In case of a list, just call the function recursively, example:

def sum_all(*args):
  sum = 0
  for num in args:
    if type(num) is list:
      sum += sum_all(*num)
      sum += int(num)
  return sum

Collected from the Internet

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