Could I skip all subsequent operators chain if condition is truthy in RxJS


Is it possible in RxJS 5.5 to implement condition using some operator to skip all subsequent operators and emit some value (false)? For instance in this ng service method I would bypass bunch of this .map chain and provide false value immediately if response.length === 0:

getProjectDrivers(projectId): Observable<any> {
  return this.http.get('someUrl').pipe(
    // if (response.length === 0) { return false; and skip whole operator chain bellow}
    map((response: ProjectDriver[]) => response.filter((projectDriver: ProjectDriver) => projectDriver.streamName !== "AllRevenueStreamTotals")),
    map((response: ProjectDriver[]) => command => ({})



I suppose you always can play with switchMap

  return this.http.get('someUrl').pipe(
    switchMap(response => {
      if (!response.length) {
        return of(null);
      } else {
        return of(result).pipe(
          map((response: ProjectDriver[]) => response.filter((projectDriver: ProjectDriver) => projectDriver.streamName !== "AllRevenueStreamTotals")),
          map((response: ProjectDriver[]) => command => ({}))

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