How can I remove duplicates in an array of object?


I have an array which looks like this :

var array = 
        key : { id : 1 , pack : "pack 1"},
        values : [
                item : { id : 1 , name : "item1"},
                itemP : {id : 2 , name : "itemP12"}
                item : { id : 4 , name : "item4"},
                itemP : {id : 2 , name : "itemP12"}

I want to remove duplicate itemP so with a function it will look like this :

var array =
        key : { id : 1 , pack : "pack 1"},
        values : [
                item : { id : 1 , name : "item1"},
                itemP : {id : 2 , name : "itemP12"}
                item : { id : 4 , name : "item4"},
                itemP : null

When I try I always have errors. It is possible to do this?


I try to do this :

  console.log( => => {
      var test =  JSON.stringify(item)
      var set = new Set(test)

      return Array.from(set).map((item)=> JSON.parse(item))


Unexpected end of JSON input

I also try something will filter but it doesn't work:

  console.log( => pack.values.filter(
    (value, index , array) => array.itemP.indexOf(value) === index
Washington Guedes

Instead of mapping every key property, I suggest cloning the whole structure and setting the object value as null in the cloned one, avoiding unintentionally mutating the original structure.

function nullifyDupes(array) {
  const clone = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(array));
  const seen = {};

  clone.forEach(pack => {
    pack.values.forEach(items => {
      for (const item in items) {
        const id = items[item].id;

        if (seen[id]) items[item] = null;
        else seen[id] = true;
  return clone;

const originalArray = [{
  key : { id : 1 , pack : "pack 1"},
  values : [{
    item : { id : 1 , name : "item1"},
    itemP : {id : 2 , name : "itemP12"}
    item : { id : 4 , name : "item4"},
    itemP : {id : 2 , name : "itemP12"}

const mutatedArray = nullifyDupes(originalArray);

Collected from the Internet

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