How do I see what JS is changing style to my elements in Chrome dev tools or Firefox dev tools?


My is a noob question as I am just learning JS so I am not good at it yet.

I am currently building a website ad added some JS snippets to do few actions. Now my footer has opacity: 0 and it doesn't come from CSS, therefore must come from some JS, but I cannot find it. How do I find what JS is modifying the style of a specific HTML element in the Chrome or Firefox DevTools?

Here is a screenshot to show the code:

I checked all my JS files but couldn't find anything that gives my footer opacity:0.

Sebastian Zartner

The Chrome DevTools allow you to stop at a specific change in the DOM structure.

To do that right click the element and choose Break on > attribute modifications from the context menu.

Break on attribute modifications

Then, once the style attribute is added (may require a page reload), the script execution will stop at the JavaScript line where the change occurred.

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