Check if string in one column is contained in string of another column in the same row and add new column with matching column name

John Doe

In addition on my previous question Search for value in all DataFrame columns (except first column !) and add new column with matching column name (where I used a static keyword)

I'd like to check if the string in the first column is contained in one of the another columns in the same row and then add a new column with the matching column name(s). All columns names of all matched values!

Now i'm using this with a static keyword:

f = lambda row: row.apply(str).str.replace(".","").str.contains(keyword ,na=False, flags=re.IGNORECASE)
df1 = df.iloc[:,1:].apply(f, axis=1)

df.insert(loc=1, column='Matching_Columns',[1:] + ', ').str.strip(', '))



key | col_B | col_C | col_D | col_E
123 | abcd  | 12345 | fght  | 7890
567 | tdfe  | 6353  | 0567  | 56789


key | match       | col_B | col_C | col_D | col_E
123 | col_C       | abcd  | 12345 | fght  | 7890
567 | col_D,col_E | tdfe  | 6353  | 0567  | 56789

Any help much appreciated!

>>> df
  to_find col1 col2
0       a   ab   ac
1       b   aa   ba
2       c   bc   ee
>>> df['found_in'] = df.apply(lambda x: ' '.join(x.iloc[1:][x.iloc[1:].str.contains(str(x['to_find']))].index), axis=1)
>>> df
  to_find col1 col2   found_in
0       a   ab   ac  col1 col2
1       b   aa   ba       col2
2       c   bc   ee       col1

For better readability,

>>> def get_columns(x):
...     y = x.iloc[1:]
...     return y.index[y.str.contains(str(x['to_find']))]
>>> df['found_in'] = df.apply(lambda x: ' '.join(get_columns(x)), axis=1)

Collected from the Internet

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