Pandas: How return all rows if column string contains at least a certain number of strings from a list?


Say that I have a list of strings, such as

listStrings = [ 'cat', 'bat', 'hat', 'dad', 'look', 'ball', 'hero', 'up']

Is there a way would return all rows if a particular column contains 3 or more of the strings from the list?

For example

If the column contained 'My dad is a hero for saving the cat'

Then the row would be returned.

But if the column only contained 'the cat and bat teamed up to find some food'

That row wouldn't be returned.

The only way I can think of is to get every combination of 3 from the list of strings, and use AND statements. e.g. 'cat' AND 'bat' AND 'hat'.

But this doesn't seem computationally efficient nor pythonic.

Is there a more efficient, compact way to do this?


Here is a pandas example

import pandas as pd 

listStrings = [ 'cat', 'bat', 'hat', 'dad', 'look', 'ball', 'hero', 'up']

df = pd.DataFrame(['test1', 'test2', 'test3'], ['My dad is a hero for saving the cat', 'the cat and bat teamed up to find some food', 'The dog found a bowl'])

My dad is a hero for saving the cat test1
the cat and bat teamed up to find some food test2
The dog found a bowl    test3

So using the listStrings, I would like row 1 returned, but not row 2 or row 3.

Mykola Zotko

You can use set itersection:

import pandas as pd 

listStrings =  {'A', 'B'}    
df = pd.DataFrame({'text': ['A B', 'B C', 'C D']})

df = df.loc[df.text.apply(lambda x: len(listStrings.intersection(x.split())) >= 2)]


0  A B

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