Extract specific strings from a single long line


I'm trying to extract the ID from some network interfaces from a single long line containing several ID's. I already tried to use split without success. I will appreciate any help

This is a sample of the input, remember this is on a single line of text.

"Authentication success on Interface Gi1/0/20 AuditSessionID 0000000XXXXXXXXXX, Authentication success on Interface Gi1/0/24 AuditSessionID 0000000XXXXXXXXXX, Authentication not succeed on Interface Fi1/0/10 AuditSessionID 0000000XXXXXXXXXX"

I expecting output just Gi1/0/20 Gi1/0/24 Fi1/0/10

Will Da Silva

Regex is suited for this task:

import re

text = 'Authentication success on Interface Gi1/0/20 AuditSessionID 0000000XXXXXXXXXX, Authentication success on Interface Gi1/0/24 AuditSessionID 0000000XXXXXXXXXX, Authentication not succeed on Interface Fi1/0/10 AuditSessionID 0000000XXXXXXXXXX'
re.findall('Interface (.*?) ', text)

The re.findall() will return a list containing what you wanted.

['Gi1/0/20', 'Gi1/0/24', 'Fi1/0/10']

The pattern 'Interface (.*?) ' works by matching Everything beginning with the word "Interface", followed by a space, then something or nothing, then another space. That aforementioned something or nothing is represented by (.*?), which captures (i.e. it gets added to the output of re.findall()) whatever is matched by .*?, which is any character (.), any number of times (*), as few times as necessary to match (?). You can play around with regexes on sites like https://regex101.com/, which will allow you to run Python regexes, as well as explain them (better than I can).

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