If I have macbook that can't get last version of Xcode - could I publish my applications to App Store?


I have Macbook Pro 2011 and now I want to develop apps for iOS. Today I understood that I can't install macOS Mojave, and relatively I can't get last Xcode version. The latest version for me - is 10.1.

So, I have question: could I publish applications in the future to App Store, or it's the end and I need buy new Macbook ?


You mentioned that you are having Xcode version 10.1 which covers iOS 11+ compatibility & also iPhone X Max simulator supports. So in all you have not much older version of Xcode.

As per my knowledge you will still be able to develop & deploy apps from this Xcode version. And also Apple will continue support for at least next 2 years for this Xcode version.

So you can still be able to use your current Mac system.

Important Note :

  • Although current Mac system will allow you to develop & deploy apps its more preferred to arrange new Mac system to make sure get support of the new Apple features & functions.

Hope it will help you.

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