How to check for "/" slash in XML with Regular Expression


I have some trouble checking a string in XML for a specific schema. Everything works fine, but the string can contain a "/" Slash which is messing up my regular expression. The expression works fine except for the slash. I tried escaping the slash, but this is not working. The error says, that the pattern would not be a valid regular expression.

Thanks for your help.

<xs:simpleType name="idType">
    <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
        <xs:pattern value="[a-z\+A-Z\/0-9_-]*"/>
Wiktor Stribiżew

You do not need to overescape the pattern, use

<xs:pattern value="[a-zA-Z0-9+/_-]*"/>

XSD regex patterns are specified using strings, not regex literals (as is usually the case in JavaScript/Ruby/PHP), without regex delimiters. / is not a special regex metacharacter, and thus should not be escaped.

Actually, + does not have to be escaped either inside a character class, and the hyphen, when placed at the end/start of the character class, does not have to be escaped either.

Collected from the Internet

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