How can I ensure tests with a marker are only run if explicitly asked in pytest?

Stefano Borini

I have some tests I marked with an appropriate marker. If I run pytest, by default they run, but I would like to skip them by default. The only option I know is to explicitly say "not marker" at pytest invocation, but I would like them not to run by default unless the marker is explicitly asked at command line.


A slight modification of the example in Control skipping of tests according to command line option:


import pytest

def pytest_collection_modifyitems(config, items):
    keywordexpr = config.option.keyword
    markexpr = config.option.markexpr
    if keywordexpr or markexpr:
        return  # let pytest handle this

    skip_mymarker = pytest.mark.skip(reason='mymarker not selected')
    for item in items:
        if 'mymarker' in item.keywords:

Example tests:

import pytest

def test_not_marked():

def test_marked():

Running the tests with the marker:

$ pytest -v -k mymarker
collected 2 items / 1 deselected / 1 selected PASSED


$ pytest -v -m mymarker
collected 2 items / 1 deselected / 1 selected PASSED

Without the marker:

$ pytest -v
collected 2 items PASSED SKIPPED

Collected from the Internet

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