How to fix 'undefined is not an object' error in react native

Michael Hoefler

I am attempting to move my react-native app code to be in a more structured manner. Originally, I had all of my firebase functions inside the file where I used them, but now I would like to use them in multiple places, so I created a Database.js file with a Database class and all of the functions. For some reason though, whenever I try to use one of the functions from the new class, I get the error "undefined is not an object (evaluating 'this.codesRef.once')" Please help!

So far, I have tried using arrow functions, a constructor, and importing firebase in different ways, all to no avail. I am pretty much stumped on this one.

Have a look at the code... (/project/src/components/forms/KeyForm.js)

import React from 'react';
import { StyleSheet, View, TextInput } from 'react-native';

import db from '../Database.js';

class LoginForm extends React.Component {
  constructor(props) {

  render() {
    return (
      <View style={styles.container}>
          placeholder="Access Code"
          onSubmitEditing={text => {db.checkCode(text.nativeEvent.text)}}

const styles = StyleSheet.create({ // stylesheet
  // yay styles :)

export default LoginForm;


//import * as firebase from "firebase";
var firebase = require('firebase');

if (!firebase.apps.length) {
        apiKey: "key",
        authDomain: "domain",
        databaseURL: "url",
        storageBucket: "bucket",

class Database {

    codesRef = firebase.database().ref('codes');

    static checkCode(text) {
        let codeIsFound = false;
        this.codesRef.once('value', (db_snapshot) => { // this won't work
          db_snapshot.forEach((code_snapshot) => {
            if (text == code_snapshot.val().value) {
              codeIsFound = true;
              identifier = code_snapshot.key;
        if (codeIsFound) {
            console.log("code found");
            this.props.navigation.navigate('Create'); // side-question => how can i get this working in Database.js? Do i need to use withNavigation?
          } else {
            console.log("code not found");

module.exports = Database;

Just to clarify, everything worked 100% fine until i tried to migrate the functions to the Database.js file. Any help is greatly appreciated!

Nishant Nair

Your checkCode function is static. You cannot access this context inside static methods. in your /project/src/components/Database.js Change it like this:

checkCode(text) {
        let codeIsFound = false;
        this.codesRef.once('value', (db_snapshot) => { // this won't work
          db_snapshot.forEach((code_snapshot) => {
            if (text == code_snapshot.val().value) {
              codeIsFound = true;
              identifier = code_snapshot.key;
        if (codeIsFound) {
            console.log("code found");
            this.props.navigation.navigate('Create'); // side-question => how can i get this working in Database.js? Do i need to use withNavigation?
          } else {
            console.log("code not found");

When accessing this function inside /project/src/components/forms/KeyForm.js

import firbaseDB from '../Database.js';
const db = new firbaseDB();

Rest of your code as it is. Cheers.

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