scale image in table github markdown


I'm using Jeckyll to render a GitHub-flavoured markdown table (at least I think that's an accurate description). I'm using this Jeckyll theme

How to scale images within the table? I tried two things:

| I say          | You say   | Example image  |
| Hello | Goodbye| ![dummy](images/example-studies/Screenshot_gonogo.png){:width="50"}|
| Hello | Goodbye|  {% include image.html file="pathToImg/img.png" alt="img" max-width="200" %}|
| Hello | Goodbye|  {% include image.html file="pathToImg/img.png" alt="img" max-width="200" %}| 

The version in the first row (![dummy](pathToImage/image.png){:width="50"}) doesn't work. (See first row in the screenshot below).

The version on rows 2 and 3 ({% include image.html file="pathToImage/image.png" alt="alt text" max-width="200" %}) does work, but I get an extra line in the rendered table.

This extra line does not appear in the GitHub preview, so I think it's a Jeckyll issue.

rendered result

github preview


You can use HTML tags in markdown. Try using <img src="my/image/path"/> within your table.

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