How to find the smallest version number in an array of browser–version pairs?

Leslie Alldridge

I’m looking for alternative solutions for returning specific items from an array.

  ["chrome", "72"],
  ["chrome", "71"],
  ["chrome", "70"],
  ["edge", "18"],
  ["edge", "17"]

How would I return the oldest version of each browser, e.g. [ [ "chrome", "70" ], [ "edge", "17" ] ]?

I currently have a filter for chrome and a filter for edge, etc. But I wonder if there’s a cleaner way of achieving the same result.

Thank you

You can use reduce and min

const data = 
  [ ["chrome", "72"]
  , ["chrome", "71"]
  , ["chrome", "70"]
  , ["edge", "18"]
  , ["edge", "17"]

const result = 
    ( (acc, [ browser, version ]) =>
        ({ ...acc, [browser]: Math.min(version, acc[browser] || Infinity) })
    , {}
// { "chrome": 70
// , "edge": 17
// }

// [ [ "chrome", 70 ]
// , [ "edge", 17 ]
// ]

If you want the latest version, use max instead -

const result = 
    ( (acc, [ browser, version ]) =>
        ({ ...acc, [browser]: Math.max(version, acc[browser] || 0) })
    , {}

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