Set TemplateRef value from component


I am using a third party plugin "angular-mention", Which is taken a template the following ways.

<ng-template #mentionListTemplate let-item="item">
  <div class="media">
    <img class="mr-3" src="{{item.avatar}}" alt="" width="30" height="30">
    <div class="media-body text-right">
      <h6 class="mt-0 mb-0">{{}}</h6>

The template is bind this way.

<textarea [mentionListTemplate]="mentionListTemplate"</textarea>

My problem is, I have lots of angular mention setting with textarea, every place needs mentionListTemplate so it is very much difficult to manage template setting for all places. Now I want to provide this mentionListTemplate from one place by using service or directive.

How could I pass mentionListTemplate from the component ? Thanks.


You can create a reusable component with input parameter for item:

  selector: 'app-textarea',
  template: `
    <textarea [mentionListTemplate]="mentionListTemplate"></textarea>
    <ng-template #mentionListTemplate let-item="item">
      <div class="media">
export class TextareaComponent  {
  @Input() item: IItem = { /* some default value */ };

So you can easily use it in other components: <app-textarea [item]="someItem"></app-textarea>

p.s. also you can extend this component and create custom form control by implementing ControlValueAccessor. In this case your textarea will behave like a usual form control element. For more details, checkout this article.

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