Laravel withCount use function in model

Mafys Grif

I have model Post:

 protected $guarded = [];

 public function reviews() {
      return $this->hasMany(Review::class);

My reviews table have a column type with values: 1(good),2(comment),3(negative). I need get count reviews for every type. I need globally get these counts. I know that I can do in model something like this:

 protected $withCount = ['reviews'];

But this get me all reviews. But I need get count only for every type.


You could use the withCount method and do sub queries inside:

$counts = Post::withCount([
'reviews as good_reviews' => function ($query) {
    $query->where('type', 1);
'reviews as bad_reviews' => function ($query) {
    $query->where('type', 3);


You can access the count like this:

echo $counts[0]->good_reviews;

For more info: Docs

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