React Native not rendering on prop change

Can Poyrazoğlu

I have created the following component:

type ToggleButtonProps = { title: string, selected: boolean }
export default class ToggleButton extends Component<ToggleButtonProps>{
        return (
            <TouchableWithoutFeedback {...this.props}>
                <View style={[style.button, this.props.selected ? style.buttonSelected : style.buttonDeselected]}>
                    <Text style={[style.buttonText, this.props.selected ? style.buttonTextSelected : style.buttonTextDeselected]}>{this.props.title}</Text>

The styles are simple color definitions that would visually indicate whether a button is selected or not. From the parent component I call (item is my object):

item.props.selected = true;

I've put a breakpoint and I verify that it gets hit, item.props is indeed my item's props with a selected property, and it really changes from false to true.

However, nothing changes visually, neither do I get render() or componentDidUpdate called on the child.

What should I do to make the child render when its props change? (I am on React Native 0.59.3)

Tyro Hunter

You can't update the child component by literally assigning to props like this:

item.props.selected = true;

However, there are many ways to re-render the child components. But I think the solution below would be the easiest one.

You want to have a container or smart component which will keep the states or data of each toggle buttons in one place. Because mostly likely, this component will potentially need to call an api to send or process that data.

If the number of toggle buttons is fixed you can simply have the state like so:

state = {
  buttonOne: {
    id: `buttonOneId`,
    selected: false,
    title: 'title1'
  buttonTwo: {
    id: `buttonTwoId`,
    selected: false,
    title: 'title2'

Then create a method in the parent which will be called by each child components action onPress:

onButtonPress = (buttonId) => {
    [buttonId]: !this.state[buttonId].selected // toggles the value
  }); // calls re-render of each child

pass the corresponding values to each child as their props in the render method:

render() {
  return (
       <ToggleButton onPressFromParent={this.onButtonPress} dataFromParent={this.state.buttonOne} />
       <ToggleButton onPressFromParent={this.onButtonPress} dataFromParent={this.state.buttonTwo} />

finally each child can use the props:

  <TouchableWithoutFeedback onPress={() => this.props.onPressFromParent(}>
    <View style={[style.button, this.props.dataFromParent.selected ? style.buttonSelected : style.buttonDeselected]}>

I left the title field intentionally for you to try and implement.

P.S: You should be able to follow the code as these are just JS or JSX.

I hope this helps :)

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