Pandas - check if other columns have duplicates based on a different column

rj dj

I have the following dataframe:

| col1 | col2 | col3 | col4 |
| a    | 1    | 2    | abc  |
| b    | 1    | 2    | abc  |
| c    | 3    | 2    | def  |

I want the rows which have duplicates based on col2, col3, col4 for unique values of col1.

In this case the output would be:

| col1 | col2 | col3 | col4 |
| a    | 1    | 2    | abc  |
| b    | 1    | 2    | abc  |

df.duplicated excluding col1 wont work since I need the col1 information to be contained in the result. I have millions of rows and further analysis would be difficult without this direct information. I can't set col1 as index as some other value needs to be set as index.

Is there a pythonic/pandaic way to achieve this?


We can using filter

df.groupby(['col2','col3','col4']).filter(lambda x : (x['col1'].nunique()==x['col1'].count())&(x['col1'].nunique()>1))
  col1  col2  col3 col4
0    a     1     2  abc
1    b     1     2  abc

Also duplicated, first duplicate make sure you have duplicate value rows , second make sure you do not have only one row

  col1  col2  col3 col4
0    a     1     2  abc
1    b     1     2  abc

Collected from the Internet

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