How to get all IDs from Mongo with no record in the past hour

Anton Swanevelder

Considering the following documents:

    "imei": "352413080100000",
    "datestamp": "2019-03-25T19:17:11.471Z"

How can I get a unique list of all imei where there is no record for the past hour?


You can use $group aggregation to find the unique record for the imei field and use moment library to cut of the last hour from the current time.

  { "$match": {
    "datestamp": {
      "$lte": moment().subtract(1, 'hours').toDate()
  { "$group": {
    "_id": '$imei'

Or even you can use distinct query as well

const imeis = await db.collection.distinct('imei', { "datestamp": { "$lte": moment().subtract(1, 'hours').toDate() } })

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