Can't get the value from a jagged array in the place I want but I get it on an other place

static void Main(string[] args)
    int rowIn = 0;
    int[][] parts2 = new int[15][];//jagged output Array

    //The txt-file has 1 number in the top line and every next line has 1 number more, all seperated by a space
    foreach (string line in File.ReadAllLines("inputProblem18.txt"))//put the txt file in the same directory as the exe file
        int columnIn = 0;

        string[] parts = line.Split(' ');

        int[] nums = new int[parts.Length];

        foreach (string part in parts)
            nums[columnIn] = Int32.Parse(parts[columnIn]);
            parts2[rowIn] = nums;//fill the jagged output array
            Console.Write(nums[columnIn] + " ");

    for (int rowOut = 14; rowOut >= 1; rowOut--)
        for (int columnOut = rowOut-1; columnOut >= 0; columnOut--)
            parts2[rowOut - 1][columnOut] += Math.Max(parts2[rowOut][columnOut], parts2[rowOut][columnOut + 1]);
            Console.Write(parts2[rowOut - 1][columnOut] + " ");//I got the answere here
            Console.Write(rowOut - 1 + " " + columnOut + " ");

    // The line below is causing me the error
    Console.WriteLine("The greatest sum from top to bottom is: {1}", parts2[0][0]);

I'm working on Project Euler, a nice site with nice programming problems. I used a jagged array for the first time in my live :-) so I think I don't understand it quit well.

I want to display the answer, the value of a jagged array at position [0][0] at the end of the file but I got an error and I don't know why. In the for loop I got the right value.

This is the error message :

Index (zero based) must be greater than or equal to zero and less than the size of the argument list.


You are using {1} to display parts2[0][0]. Since this is the first variable, this should be {0}, not 1. The argument list can be considered as an array and starts at index 0.

Change this :

//      Notice this ----------------------------------------v
Console.WriteLine("The greatest sum from top to bottom is: {1}", parts2[0][0]);
// Boom !
// Index (zero based) must be greater than or equal
// to zero and less than the size of the argument list.

To this :

//      Notice this ----------------------------------------v
Console.WriteLine("The greatest sum from top to bottom is: {0}", parts2[0][0]);

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

edited at


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