Code for a reactive table to plot in Shiny


I'm new to shiny, and I am trying to do a simple density plot where there are 2 groups of data, with reactive 'shifts' in the mean etc. A simplified summary of this is that one set of data has a mean of 0, and variance of 1. The second set of data has a mean of shift, which is defined in a slider.

I have tried to use reactiveValues, as shown in the code below to store the matrix of observations d1, generated from the density function y values, and the corresponding x values are stored in x.


# Define UI for application that draws a histogram
ui <- fluidPage(

   # Application title
   titlePanel("Old Faithful Geyser Data"),

   # Sidebar with a slider input for number of bins 
                     "shift of 2nd set",
                     min = -1,
                     max = 1,
                     value = 0)

      # Show a plot of the generated distribution

# Define server logic required to draw a histogram
server <- function(input, output) {
   data <- reactiveValues({

     d1 <- matrix(nrow=100, ncol=512)
     for(i in 1:70){
       d1[i,] <- density(rnorm(1000),from = -3, to = 3)$y
     for(i in 71:100){
       d1[i,] <- density(rnorm(1000, input$shift),from = -3, to = 3)$y
     x <- density(rnorm(1000),from = -3, to = 3)$x

   output$distPlot <- renderPlot({
      matplot(data$x, t(data$d1), type = "l", lty = 1, col = c(rep(1,70),rep(2,30)))

# Run the application 
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

The above code is largely from the example shiny app, so please excuse any generic references. It should still work.

I was expecting a shiny plot with a slider on the left, and a plot on the right with 100 density lines in 2 colours. When the shift slider is changed the second set of data (red) will slide left or right depending on the shift.

Instead, I get the error message

  55: stop
  54: .getReactiveEnvironment()$currentContext
  53: .subset2(x, "impl")$get
  52: $.reactivevalues
  47: server [/beavis/Documents/test/app.R#37]
Error in .getReactiveEnvironment()$currentContext() : 
  Operation not allowed without an active reactive context. (You tried to do something that can only be done from inside a reactive expression or observer.)

Is anyone able to help me fix this code? Any help will be greatly appreciated. Having played around for an hour I believe the issue lies in the reactiveValues section, but nothing so far has worked.

Roman Luštrik

Nice try. You're quite close. What you're missing is two things. You are creating a data object, which becomes reactive (I use reactive instead). This means that whenever you are calling data, you need to call it as data().

Second, your data returns only x. Output of this reactive environment should in your case be a list of x and d1.

enter image description here


# Define UI for application that draws a histogram
ui <- fluidPage(

  # Application title
  titlePanel("Old Faithful Geyser Data"),

  # Sidebar with a slider input for number of bins
                  "shift of 2nd set",
                  min = -1,
                  max = 1,
                  value = 0, 
                  step = 0.1)  # I added a step

    # Show a plot of the generated distribution

# Define server logic required to draw a histogram
server <- function(input, output) {
  # This reactive environment can be accessed using data().
  data <- reactive({
    d1 <- matrix(nrow=100, ncol=512)
    for(i in 1:70){
      d1[i,] <- density(rnorm(1000),from = -3, to = 3)$y
    for(i in 71:100){
      d1[i,] <- density(rnorm(1000, input$shift),from = -3, to = 3)$y
    x <- density(rnorm(1000), from = -3, to = 3)$x
    list(x = x, d1 = d1)  # make sure that all objects are returned

  output$distPlot <- renderPlot({
    matplot(data()$x, t(data()$d1), type = "l", lty = 1, col = c(rep(1,70),rep(2,30)))

# Run the application
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

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