R how to stack image from their matrix value


I got many matrix of size 300*300, which are saved in a list, named L. This is binary matrix, i only have 0 and 1 values. I plot image from those matrix (for exemple with c.img).

What is the best way to create a stack of those matrix? I want to create a new matrix, and or the pixel at the (i,j) position, i want to look in all my matrix saved in L, and if one or more matrix have a 1 at this position, then the (i,j) pixel in my new matrix will have value 1, else 0.

Here a pseudo code to help you understand my goal

L <- list(rep(matrix(0 or 1,300,300),n)   

new_matrix[i,j]<- max(L[i,j])

but this code doesnt work because data is a list. I'm prety sure sure i can achieve this task using 3 loop (i,j,n), but because i got many matrix that'll take too long and i'm looking for a faster solution.


You can use :

matrix(as.numeric(Reduce(`+`, data) > 0), 300, 300)

Sum all matrix then convert values greater than 0 to 1 with as.numeric.

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