Why do I not get the response as RAW API RESPONSE specified by Dialogflow?

Jeeva Bharathi

I asked this question before, came to a wrong conclusion because Dialogflow V1 client library gives response in the format specified by Dialogflow and Dialogflow V2 client did not so I thought the response format has changed. I used


to access the parameters sent by the Dialogflow in an object format and not a JSON string. Where did I go wrong or is the response format correct and Google did not update the Dialogflow documentation?


I don't have anything set up right now in nodeJS to test this, but translating from my python requests I think that it should be


idk if this could also be helpful to you but in python my code looks like this

req = request.get_json(silent=True, force=True)
auth_code = req.get('queryResult').get('parameters').get('number')

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