Is there any way to use values from a JSON object in a SQL Select statement?


I want to write a query to select all the records where the values in the properties of a JSON object match a given string. For example, let's say I have a table with a column for address, which is a JSON object. The address for the first record looks like this:

 "addressLine": "123 fake road"
 "city": "Buffalo"
 "state": "New York"

And the address for the second record looks like this:

 "addressLine": "123 fake road"
 "city": "New Haven"
 "state": "Connecticut"

Would it be possible to write a query given the word 'New’ that would return both records since the values of the JSON contains that string? Thanks!


You can use JSON_EXTRACT function:

SELECT * FROM Table WHERE json_extract(JsonColumn, '$.city') like 'New%'

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