Angular - What's the best way to include html in multiple components?

Pedro Relvas

I need to put a loading in multiple components of my project. So instead of putting the same HTML over and over again across the components, I need to know what's the best way to not repeat code, but I don't know if this is correct thing to do. I have created a component called loading-graphic, which I bind it in every HTML file of the respective components. I read about ngTemplateOutlet and ngContent, but to be honest it doesn't make sense in my head to use it for this case (and I don't get it too... I'm a beginner on it). So, on what should I bet? Thanks.


i think loading component is not a bad Idee. Use loading component in your app-root component. You can use a loading.service and interceptor to display or hide the component. You will get automatically a Loading Indicator for each API call.


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