Angular get status of all children components from parent component


I have components 'Parent' and 'Child'.From Parent we can add or remove child. so children are dynamic. in Parent I have rendered Child component in loop like below


<child *ngFor="let child of children" [data]="child"></child>

Now in child component I have added a function called IsValid() to check child is valid or not


  //check validity of component and return true if valid else false

in parent component I have a button called 'Save' I have to enable that button if all child's are valid else need to disable that button.

So I need a way to call Child components IsValid function for each child component from Parent and then determine the validity result and apply it to Save button to enable or disable

What I have tried

1. I have emited valid or invalid result from child to parent and if any childs result is invalid i have disabled save button.

but problem here is : if I have added one child, make it valid, save button will be enabled. now I have added another child which is invalid so save button will be disabled but if I remove invalid child save button will be disabled though we have only one child which is valid.. since IsValid event get emmited only if current child get change.

2. I can use something like this

<child #varName></child>

@ViewChild('varName') childElement;

and then from parent I can call


but since I have rendered childrens in loop how to give unique name in loop and how to add reference to that unique HTML tag in ts file.

I have created case here SlackBlitz

Any help will be appreciated. Thanks


@angular/core provides ViewChildren and QueryList, probably that should help you.

<child #varName></child>
import { ViewChildren, QueryList } from '@angular/core';
@ViewChildren("varName") customComponentChildren: QueryList<YourComponent>;

this.customComponentChildren.forEach((child) => { let retult = child.IsValid(); })

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