My website crashes when I click a certain link twice

Eli Rosmarin

I am trying to develop a navigation bar for a website with a dropdown menu. I am running it locally and have the "links" stored in a folder called categories This line of HTML is giving me issues

<li><a href="./categories/about.shtml">About</a></li>

The first time when I go to the about page it works fine, but I run into a bug in that if I click the "About" dropdown again there is an error because it is searching for "categories/categories/about.shtml.

Is there any way for me to use href so that it will essentially search a file tree from a given "root" to prevent this from happening.


You're using a relative path, when on the home page you do click the link the path of the link is not the same.

At home page is:

<li><a href="./categories/about.shtml">About</a></li>

But when you click it, and you navigate to it, it should become to:

<li><a href="./about.shtml">About</a></li>

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