How to exclude specific JSON objects when rendering data


I have a local JSON file containing JSON objects and I want it so that if an obj contains a specific string, then that object is rendered to a table. If not, then it's not rendered. For the time being I'm getting one error in DevTools: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'DT_RowId' of undefined and I'm working with DataTables---while it is useful, using functions with it has been a headache.

JS snippet:

function loadPH() {
    let admissText = {
        if (val.p_h_v !== "") { // If this is not empty, then return
            return {
                "PHV": val.p_h_v,
                "Part C": val.partc

        columns: [
            { data: "PHV" },
            { data: "Part C" },
            ... // ---------- the rest contains irrelevant data

JSON snippet:

    "d": {
      "results": [
         "p_h_v": "" // ------------ this doesn't meet conditions, isn't rendered
         "p_h_v": "Yes" // ---------- meets conditions---this obj rendered

Converted your example to a stack-snippet and all it took was a filter, the values that map wasn't returning were undefined objects in your dataset and were causing the issue.

var admissData = {
  "d": {
    "results": [{
        "p_h_v": "Maybe", // ---------- meets conditions---this obj rendered
        "partc": "show this too"
        "p_h_v": "", // ------------ this doesn't meet conditions, isn't rendered
        "partc": "test - no show"
        "p_h_v": "Yes", // ---------- meets conditions---this obj rendered
        "partc": "test - show"

function loadProHac() {
  let admissText = admissData.d.results
    .filter(x => x.p_h_v !== "")  //added your filter here.
    .map(function(val) {
      return {
        "PHV": val.p_h_v,
        "Part C": val.partc

    data: admissText,
    columns: [{
        data: "PHV"
        data: "Part C"
<script src=""></script>
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" />
<script src=""></script>
<table id='prohac-table'></table>

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