Passing a function through three levels of components (i.e. calling a function from a grandchild component)


I want to pass an item id from either a Child component or grandchild component, but cannot figure out how to do so. Other examples I have looked at show using the arrow function to achieve this, but for whatever reason my function is not getting called.

I have the following in Parent.js:

    console.log("CHOSEN ITEM SELECTED")
        chosen_item: id

and in the Parent.js render function:

<Child objects={objects} chosenItem={() => this.chosenItem()} />

Then in my Child.js I have:

items = => {
    return (
            onClick={item =>this.props.chosenItem(}

In my Child.js render function I have:


I also wasn't sure whether the actual click event should go inside of the Child.js or the ClickableTextComponent. Or does it really matter? Currently I have placed it in the Child.js component as seen above.

What am I doing wrong? How can I modify my code so that the function gets called? I have read a bit about currying to prevent a function from being recreated multiple times. Is that necessary in this case? If so, where and how should I be implementing it. In my Parent or Child components?


I was previously trying to get the onClick to work from Child.js, but as it needs to be attached to a div I have moved it to ClickableTextComponent (the grandchild component).

One issue with ClickableTextComponent is that I want to be able to set the state when the component is clicked so that I can turn the component a different colour. Because of that I am needing to use a function to then call the chosenItem function. So here is what I have in my `ClickableTextComponent.js':

        text_state: "clicked"

In the render I then have:

    onMouseOver={this.changeTextState.bind(this, "hover")}
    onMouseOut={this.changeTextState.bind(this, "default")}

New Error

Based on the above changes, I am now getting this.props.chosenItem is not a function. However, I cannot figure out why it is giving me this error. I can see the function name when I display this.props to the console. What am I doing wrong?


The answer given by Kevin He holds true. But there is one problem with that solution.

<Child objects={objects} chosenItem={(x) => this.chosenItem(x)} />

When you do such, every time your parent is rerendered. It will create a new instance of the function. And, your child component also rerenders because It sees the props changing.

Best solution is:

<Child objects={objects} chosenItem={this.chosenItem} />


Now, it seems to make sense.

The problem is again with ClickableTextComponent.

Here is the update ClickableTextComponent which works.

The main problem:

items = => {
    return (
            onClick={item =>this.props.chosenItem(}

// Here you made a function (item) => this.props.choseItem(
// That means when you call that function you should call like this
// i.e. passing parameter needed for the function

        text_state: "clicked"

// But do you do not have the item in the children
// Parent should be changed as below

items = => {
    return (
            onClick={() =>this.props.chosenItem(}

// Now you made a fuction () => this.props.chosenItem(
// The main difference being you are not taking a item as parameter
// item will be taken from outer scope that means, item from map

// Another solution can be

items = => {
    return (

// And in ClickableTextComponent

        text_state: "clicked"

Collected from the Internet

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