String comparison and sorting function


I'm designing a guess word game and I need some help with one of the functions. The function receives 2 inputs and returns true or false.
The input my_word contains letters that were guessed and match to a certain word. The input other_word is some word to compare with my_input. examples:

>>> match_with_gaps("te_ t", "tact")
>>> match_with_gaps("a_ _ le", "apple")
>>> match_with_gaps("_ pple", "apple")
>>> match_with_gaps("a_ ple", "apple")

My problem is applying it to return a False as in the last example and I'm not sure how to do it. This is what I have done so far. It works but not for a case when a one guessed letter in my_word appears 2 time in other_word. In this case I'm returning true but it should be False. The inputs must be the exactly in the format as in the example (space after underscore).

def match_with_gaps(my_word, other_word):
    myWord = []
    otherWord = []
    myWord_noUnderLine = []
    for x in my_word:
        if x != " ": # remove spaces
    for x in myWord:
        if x != "_": # remove underscore
    for y in other_word:

    match = ( [i for i, j in zip(myWord, otherWord) if i == j] ) # zip together letter by letter to a set
    if len(match) == len(myWord_noUnderLine): # compare length with word with no underscore
        return True
        return False

my_word = "a_ ple"
other_word = "apple"

print(match_with_gaps(my_word, other_word))

You could create a "no space" version and a "no space, no underscore" version of your string and then compare each character to see if non underscore characters matched or if characters corresponding to an underscore have already been used. For example:

def match_with_gaps(match, guess):
    nospace = match.replace(' ', '')
    used = nospace.replace('_', '')
    for a, b in zip(nospace, guess):
        if (a != '_' and a != b) or (a == '_' and b in used):
            return False
    return True

print(match_with_gaps("te_ t", "tact"))
# False
print(match_with_gaps("a_ _ le", "apple"))
# True
print(match_with_gaps("_ pple", "apple"))
# True
print(match_with_gaps("a_ ple", "apple"))
# False

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