How to get value of nested props function for unit testing


I have an issue with getting value of nested props function.


getPerson returns new object with person related data.

getData returns person related data.

It's separated for readability and I want to make it work for unit testing.

Test 1:

 let _wrapper,

  beforeEach(() => {
    initialProps = {
      user: {
        getPerson: () => {}
    _wrapper = shallow(<Test1 {...initialProps} />)
some tests...

It returned TypeError: Cannot read property 'getData' of undefined.


 let _wrapper,

  beforeEach(() => {
    initialProps = {
      user: {
        getPerson: () => { getData: () => {} }
    _wrapper = shallow(<Test2 {...initialProps} />)
some tests...

It returned TypeError: Cannot read property 'getData' of undefined Same error as Test1.

I tried to get value of props function by passing function however it didn't work from second function.

How can I get value of nested props function?

Brian Adams

You need to wrap object literals in parentheses to return them from arrow functions:

initialProps = {
  user: {
    getPerson: () => ({ getData: () => { } })  // wrap in parentheses

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