python nested list to dictionary


what is the best way to convert this list into a dictionary (call it my_dict) so that it can be indexed this way?


Basically my_dict[0] would give me everything about 'CalaBar & Grill'.

Here's the list:

[['CalaBar & Grill', '4.0 star rating', '$$'],
 ['Red Chili Cafe', '4.0 star rating', '$$'],
 ['Gus’s World Famous Fried Chicken', '4.0 star rating', '$$'],
 ['South City Kitchen - Midtown', '4.5 star rating', '$$'],
 ['Mary Mac’s Tea Room', '4.0 star rating', '$$'],
 ['Busy Bee Cafe', '4.0 star rating', '$$'],
 ['Richards’ Southern Fried', '4.0 star rating', '$$'],
 ['Greens & Gravy', '3.5 star rating', '$$'],
 ['Colonnade Restaurant', '4.0 star rating', '$$'],
 ['South City Kitchen Buckhead', '4.5 star rating', '$$'],
 ['Poor Calvin’s', '4.5 star rating', '$$'],
 ['Rock’s Chicken & Fries', '4.0 star rating', '$'],
 ['Copeland’s', '3.5 star rating', '$$']]

This should work:

# The list
my_list = [['CalaBar & Grill', '4.0 star rating', '$$'], \
 ['Red Chili Cafe', '4.0 star rating', '$$'],\
 ['Gus’s World Famous Fried Chicken', '4.0 star rating', '$$'],\
 ['South City Kitchen - Midtown', '4.5 star rating', '$$'],\
 ['Mary Mac’s Tea Room', '4.0 star rating', '$$'],\
 ['Busy Bee Cafe', '4.0 star rating', '$$'],\
 ['Richards’ Southern Fried', '4.0 star rating', '$$'],\
 ['Greens & Gravy', '3.5 star rating', '$$'],\
 ['Colonnade Restaurant', '4.0 star rating', '$$'],\
 ['South City Kitchen Buckhead', '4.5 star rating', '$$'],\
 ['Poor Calvin’s', '4.5 star rating', '$$'],\
 ['Rock’s Chicken & Fries', '4.0 star rating', '$'],\
 ['Copeland’s', '3.5 star rating', '$$']]

# initialize an empty list
my_dict = []

# create list of dictionary
for elem in my_list:
    temp_dict = {}
    temp_dict['name'] = elem[0]
    temp_dict['stars'] = elem[1]
    temp_dict['price'] = elem[2]

# testing

Collected from the Internet

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