Matching multiple strings and join


I am having difficulties with matching multiple strings in r. The dataframe that I have looks like this:

      Var1                                      Var2
1   SJDJWK   P04TGI7F3;P030Y7Y11;PE35RV747;Q2UKLVVX4
3 JDKSAKDJ                       PE35RV747;P0F071G1G

I would like to match the strings that are separated with ";" with the values in the following dataframe:

      Var_x    Var_y
1 P04TGI7F3     good
2 P030Y7Y11   normal
3 PE35RV747      bad
4 Q2UKLVVX4   normal

So that the resulting dataframe looks like:

      Var1                                      Var2                    Var3
1   SJDJWK   P04TGI7F3;P030Y7Y11;PE35RV747;Q2UKLVVX4  good;normal;bad;normal
2  ODJSMDK   Q2UKLVVX4;PWER00711;PE35RV747;Q2UKLVVX4       normal;bad;normal
3 JDKSAKDJ                       PE35RV747;P0F071G1G                     bad

So far, I tried to do this with a fuzzy join:

fuzzy_left_join(Data1, Data2, by = c("Var2"="Var_x"), match_fun = str_detect)

This does the job, but it uses a lot of memory (my dataset is very large and R stops working). I was trying to do this with a for loop, but I cannot figure out how to do it. Someone who knows?


Here is an idea via tidyverse. We separate the rows, merge on the second data frame and again concatenate based on Var1,


df1 %>% 
 separate_rows(Var2) %>% 
 left_join(df2, by = c('Var2' = 'Var_x')) %>% 
 group_by(Var1) %>% 
 summarise_all(funs(paste(., collapse = ';')))

which gives,

# A tibble: 3 x 3
  Var1     Var2                                    Var_y                 
  <fct>    <chr>                                   <chr>                 
1 JDKSAKDJ PE35RV747;P0F071G1G                     bad;NA                
2 ODJSMDK  Q2UKLVVX4;PWER00711;PE35RV747;Q2UKLVVX4 normal;NA;bad;normal  
3 SJDJWK   P04TGI7F3;P030Y7Y11;PE35RV747;Q2UKLVVX4 good;normal;bad;normal

If you do not want to include NAs, we can omit before joining (as @akrun mentions), i.e.

df1 %>% 
 separate_rows(Var2) %>% 
 filter(Var2 %in% df2$Var_x) %>% 
 left_join(df2, by = c('Var2' = 'Var_x')) %>% 
 group_by(Var1) %>% 
 summarise_all(funs(paste(., collapse = ';')))

which gives,

# A tibble: 3 x 3
  Var1     Var2                                    Var_y                 
  <fct>    <chr>                                   <chr>                 
1 JDKSAKDJ PE35RV747                               bad                   
2 ODJSMDK  Q2UKLVVX4;PE35RV747;Q2UKLVVX4           normal;bad;normal     
3 SJDJWK   P04TGI7F3;P030Y7Y11;PE35RV747;Q2UKLVVX4 good;normal;bad;normal

Collected from the Internet

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