Export result of Mongodb query to file


I need to export mongodb aggregation query result to file. I am connected to remote server so I need something like db.myCollection.aggregate([...]).printToFile('C:\Downloads\resultFile.txt') Is it possible?


Add quotes to your connection string and use printjson() to print JSON objects. Note that the aggregate() returns a cursor and thus you have to loop through them. If your don't use forEach, it only returns top 20.

Here is a one line command.

mongo --quiet "mongodb://junior:SECRETPASSWORD@mongo4:9000,mongo5:9000/WebApp?authSource=admin&replicaSet=rs0&readPreference=secondaryPreferred" --eval 'db.cars.aggregate([...]).forEach(function(doc) { printjson(doc);})' > output.txt

In more readable multi-line format

mongo --quiet \
    "mongodb://junior:SECRETPASSWORD@mongo4:9000,mongo5:9000/WebApp?authSource=admin&replicaSet=rs0&readPreference=secondaryPreferred" \
    --eval 'db.cars.aggregate([...]).forEach(function(doc) \
        { printjson(doc);})' > output.txt

Collected from the Internet

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